Posted at 11:14h in Uncategorized by jwundisch 0 Comments
Rüdiger Bittner, Wendy Johnson, and I recently published the paper “Behavior Genetics and Agent Responsibility” in the Journal for Ethics and Moral Philosophy. Abstract: Recent evidence from psychological science and genetics suggests that genetic influences underlie all behavior as well as the most worrisome social inequalities….
Posted at 17:43h in Uncategorized by jwundisch 0 Comments
In a recent paper I argue that excusable ignorance undermines agent-responsibility and, therefore, liability for costs. Importantly, if epistemic duties are plausibly affected by e.g. cognitive functioning, judgements regarding excusable ignorance and agent-responsibility may change in relation to cognitive functioning. Does excusable ignorance absolve of liability…
Posted at 17:40h in Uncategorized by jwundisch 0 Comments
With my colleague Benjamin Huppert I just published a paper arguing that genetic influences on sports performance have important implications for distributive justice. In particular, we argue that because favorable genes are undeserved, radically unequal distribution of goods on their basis cannot be justified with…